Bitty Books

Scrapbooking is one craft that just isn’t in me. I’ve never had a vision or desire for it. But I do have lots of scrapbook paper! One thing I use them for is origami. What follows, bitty books, is another favorite of mine!

I said yesterday when I showed the bitty book that I made that I do not remember where I learned to make these. If I do ever find it I’ll put the link here. So, not my idea, but they are really simple and quick to make. Possibilities are endless for what to fill them with!

Bitty Books


Start with a 12″ by 12″ scrapbook paper.

Then fold it in half, crease well, and unfold.

Next fold the bottom edge up to the middle line, crease, and unfold. Do the same with the top edge to the middle line.

Rotate the paper 90 degrees and repeat above. (Fold in half and then fold the top and bottom edges into the center.) Now your paper should look like this.

Cut as shown. You’ll end up with an M shape.

Now start at the leg of the M on your right and fold the first little square back over the second square.

Next fold that back and under the next square.

Then fold it back and over again.

At the top of the M fold it under to the side.

Continue folding it over and under like you’ve done…

When you get it all folded, you have as adorable little square book…

Each page is a double thickness and you will want to glue the insides of the two thicknesses together for each page. I just used a glue stick.

The front cover is white but you can fold it around to the back making a spine with it (after all the pages are glued.)


Then decorate it using your imagination. That’s the most fun… dreaming what to fill the little pages with and who for.

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