
My belly is full of cherries. As was my canner, freezer, fridge, and the dehydrator (borrowed from a friend) today. We made cherry jam, fruit leather, dried cherries, cherry chicken salad for supper, cherry smoothies for snack, and frozen cherries (as good or better than frozen grapes to just eat plain in my opinion). My hands are stained from all the delicious cherries.

I love this time of year and we are blessed to have an awesome u-pick farm for cherries near by. We are more blessed to have a generous friend with a bumper cherry crop this year. All in all I think I got 45-50 lbs of cherries. I’m so not sick of them too. The frozen are my favorite so far as they get us through the hot hot summer here and are great for throwing in smoothies.

Tomorrow I think I will make cherry pie. Mmmm… Tell me of your favorite thing to make with cherries. I have a few more left. Here’s some pics of our picking adventures.

Thank God that the kids love to pick, pit, and eat cherries!

So lovely.

Munching on cherries in the tree. Pits were falling from the sky!

The littlest one trained for next year… She got to the second ladder rung next. And then there were no more pictures because I had to keep up with her. 🙂

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