There are times that I absolutely love being the one that gets to teach my kids. Of course there are other less pleasant moments, like spending bleary eyed hours amassing the equivalent to a science curriculum that will actually captivate them and go from what they know to a new place.
One of those love-it moments happened a few days ago though. My 5 year old’s writing is not amazing. He is just 5 so I don’t ask a whole lot. He reads well for his age but hasn’t written words without copying them yet. Most of what he does write are a mix of capitals and lowercase and backwards letters. My boy has begun wanting to write notes though. My inner teacher rejoices at every spontaneous whim like this. When a kid has a desire to learn, well I can work with that! The other night at bedtime he asked me how to write “good night” and stuffed his note into the crack of a broken plastic ball along with a light up toy and threw it into his sister’s room like a crazy blinking little notification that he sent her a message. I believe we will be encouraging creative note delivery in writing this year. That’s right, at my school you don’t get in trouble for passing notes.