Knit Look Crochet Stretchy Hat

Knitting is still intimidating me some. But I really wanted to make the baby a knit hat this winter because I love the look. And I know I can do it. Still, every time I go to do a gauge swatch I end up starting another project instead. When I saw a pattern that looked …

Homeschooling with a toddler in tow: Colors

I’ve saved Israel’s favorite “school” for last. He has LOVED learning about colors. You can find my other “Homeschooling with a toddler in tow” posts here: ABCs and Fishing for ABCs and 123s. Matching colors- Because my toddler only knew a few color names to begin with I wanted to get him acquainted with them at a …

Homeschooling with a toddler in tow: 123s

Today I’m continuing my topic of activity ideas to include your toddler in “school” while homeschooling. On to playing and learning with numbers! For this one, your toddler should be past the “put everything in the mouth” stage. Like I mentioned in an earlier post introducing this topic, Israel could already recite numbers up to …

Homeschooling with a toddler in tow: Fishing for ABCs

I am not a morning person… though I’ve worked long and hard at being pleasant in the morning and now we do our schooling first thing every morning. I’m still not at all a morning person though. And… I don’t like coffee. Instead, orange juice is my coffee. Orange juice is like sunshine in a …

Homeschooling with a toddler in tow: ABCs

Last year was my first year “really” homeschooling. Which meant it was the first year we sat down and did hours of school everyday. Of course some of the learning was not sitting down. The point is that my poor 2 year old was VERY bored. Some days he did fine. I threw a snack …

Thankful Tree

Thankfulness can change your life! When you make a decision to be thankful for the blessings you have… you can’t help but be caught up with joy. No matter how bad things are, even when it’s hard to say one thing you are thankful for, when thankfulness enters the picture, the atmosphere changes. I’ve been …

Huggable Art Part 2

This is a part two from yesterday’s post on how to make your kid’s art huggable. So today, I’ll tell you how I put the hair on the little girl Drew wanted to make from her picture. When Drew said her Little Lady needed pigtails I was totally intimidated! Sewing hair on a doll just seemed …

Huggable Art

Once again I got inspiration from Pinterest for this project and I give credit where due for this awesome idea. Here is where I saw the idea to turn a child’s drawing into a pillow/stuffed doll-ish thing. Unfortunately there was no instructions or more info about them there so I decided to do it my own …

Rainbow Playdoh

Yesterday I talked about the treasure hunt we had at the kids’ combo birthday party this year. The treasure (aka pot of gold at the end of the rainbow) was rainbow play doh. I’ve got be the THE LAST person in blog world to blog about kool aid play doh. It’s just that awesome and …

Pot of Gold

The game we played at the kids’ birthday party this year was a lot of fun!  They LOVE coloring, painting, colors, and rainbows so I told them we were going on a treasure hunt to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There were no winners or losers and there was …