Peppermint Chocolate Chip Scones
When I’m not occupied with the kids, crocheting, sewing, knitting, etc. sometimes I’m baking and cooking. It’s been a few weeks since I baked anything except our usual bread. So I thought I’d try something new. And I’ll share my recipe finding approach. When I’m inspired to cook or bake something new this is what …

Amigurumi: How to sew Together
Droid Family Sitting Kitty Twitterpated Monkeys Droid Carrot the Bunny Jingle Turtle Ask and you shall receive! I’ve had lots of queries about how to sew together some of the amigurumi animals and androids I make. Sewing it together just right does give each creation a lot of it’s character! So… I’m glad you asked. It was also easily the most intimidating thing …